Case Studies
We’ve done a lot of great work for a lot of great customers – some of this work is showcased below.
We’ve done a lot of great work for a lot of great customers – some of this work is showcased below.
“We have worked with esave for several years now and they manage all aspects of our energy use. From energy & water procurement, to carbon reporting such as ESOS. It’s great that they have so much experience within the company and we call on them with any query regarding energy, water, connections, metering and carbon management.
We are very proud of our roots and commitment to our community here in Speyside, and the fact that esave are local to us is a great fit. We see them several times a year, and Neil & George are very hands on and always willing to help.
As a large energy user, it is imperative that we manage this correctly and efficiently. We regularly monitor usage and are often asked to provide data to our many customers and we hope esave’s “ensensus” online portal will become increasingly beneficial to assist with this in the future.
We are delighted with the relationship we have with esave and would have no hesitation recommending them to any other organisation looking to use a 3rd party to manage their energy, water, and carbon.”
Nicky Walker, Production Director
Michelle Shiach, PA to Production Director
“They saved Macduff Shipyard Ltd and myself a lot of stress and I’m sure got the job done a lot quicker than I could have, using their contacts”
Macduff Shipyards Ltd can trace its roots back to the 1940’s under the original owner John Watt. From humble beginnings building motor boats, it has grown into a 210 strong team whose strength lies in its versatility in handling such diverse projects as new builds, conversions, modernisations and repairs as well as the design, manufacture and installation of complete deck machinery packages for all types and sizes of vessels.
Like a lot of organisations that we work with, Macduff Shipyard’s Ltd main issue with regards to their utilities was just being able to manage them. With their contracts, all signed to different suppliers and ending at different times of the year, staying in control of them had become a nightmare. To add to this they had no way of ensuring that the prices they were paying for their utilities were correct or fair.
How did esave help them?
We have been working with Macduff Shipyards Ltd for over 15 years. When they first came to us, we began helping by reviewing and consolidating their contracts to make them easier to manage. As well as this, we have helped resolve some outstanding issues that they were having with their existing gas supplies. Since then we have continued to track the utility markets looking for the best deals and advising them when to renew their contracts. We also review their bills on a monthly basis to ensure that they are being charged correctly, resolving many billing errors over the years
Having successfully negotiated and consolidated their utility contracts for many years, in 2009 Macduff Shipyard Ltd asked us to manage their mobile arrangements. We reviewed their current data usage, tariffs, contract terms and handset requirements before going to the market on an independent basis, as we had done for their energy contracts, and over the years, £thousands have been saved.
We continue to be their preferred consultant if they have any utility & comms related issues as they know that we are there to help and will get the job done.
Since we have been working with Macduff Shipyard Ltd, we have saved them £tens of thousands on their utilities, as well as the time and effort that they would have spent rectifying the issues concerning their utilities. We have also been able to help them avoid costs associated with work that they didn’t need. An example of this was with their latest site in Buckie. We helped prevent the installation of a new electricity supply system which would have cost £thousand’s, instead, with the help of the Distribution Network Operator (DNO), we had new fuses installed which solved the problem at no cost.
We have also helped them navigate the mobile comms market which is historically full of costly traps for businesses that don’t have time to analyse and assess this market closely. With our trusted advice and knowledge of the market, we manged to time and time again negotiate a deal that saves them money, time, and provides peace of mind that they are getting the most suitable deal for their operational requirements.
It wasn’t straightforward as the site had been derelict for a number of years and there were a few obstacles to overcome.
They saved Macduff Shipyard Ltd and myself a lot of stress and I’m sure got the job done a lot quicker than I could have, using their contacts.”
Rory McCann, Commercial Director, Macduff Shipyards Ltd
“Many thanks to you and Matthew and anyone else who helped from your office. We now have a reliable supply for the next three years at a good price. Without your help we would have been floundering and not knowing how to make the decision on renewal.”
The Highland Skate Parks Association (HSPA) is a sports organisation and registered charity focussed on the BMX and skateboard communities. Its main aim is to provide support for local organisations in Inverness and the surrounding areas.
In the past it has worked closely with Highlife Highland, its Youth Development Officers and Active Schools Coordinators.
Since the charity was established in July 2011, it has raised over £1 million for local parks and recreational areas.
During the previous contract, they felt that their energy costs were far more than their consumption would account for. Especially as the park uses little to no electricity during the summer months. To add to this, with so many other aspects of the park to run, the association just didn’t have the time or resources to assess and secure a new deal.
Therefore when it came to the renewal of their electricity contract they decided to enlist the help of esave who they felt had the knowledge and expertise to ensure that they were getting the best deal.
We began by tendering for a new electricity contract. This involved us comparing a number of quotes from the leading suppliers and then helping the skate park pick the best one for them. Whilst doing this we discovered that there was an unusual consumption pattern. We suspected that there was something wrong with the meter, which if left could result in excess costs. We therefore organised for a new Automatic Meter Reader (AMR) to be installed which meant that consumption data would be recorded and sent directly to the supplier allowing for more accurate readings.
The skate park now has a good electricity contract in place for the next few years and is using an AMR to send actual readings to the supplier which should provide accurate billing and could lead to improved efficiency and reduced energy costs.
As they are a registered charity, we were happy to provide this service free of charged. As a result they managed to save on the consultancy fee that they would be charged if they had gone elsewhere for our level of advice and support.
“Since we have been working together, what started out as purely a business deal has turned into a strong working relationship which is reassuring because I know that when it comes to esave, they are looking out for us and not themselves. I therefore have no hesitation in recommending them to any company which is looking to improve their business energy efficiency and reduce costs.
Expro’s years of experience and innovation empowers the company to offer tailor-made solutions for customers across the energy sector. With nearly 4500 employees in over 50 countries, Expro offers a truly global service solution.
Expro specialises in flow management, helping companies measure, improve, control and process flow from high-value oil and gas wells to mature field production optimisation and enhancement.
Water Procurement
Electricity Procurement
Gas Procurement
ensensus (Online monitoring system)
Over £55,000 worth of savings on their utilities
We first went to esave because we needed a way of managing the issue of rising utility costs. Despite being with them for so long, we continue to be impressed by the professionalism and efficiency in which they conduct their work. The team are always available on the phone and are more than happy to visit our offices, to discuss face to face any queries. We have come to rely on their expertise in handling our utility purchasing which in the last year has helped us save over £55,000 through renewed contracts alone.
As well as helping us with our procurement, esave have continued to advise us on other ways of getting the most out of the energy we use, this has included energy saving techniques and installing their online monitoring software ensensus which helps us identify areas in which we can further improve our efficiency.
Ultimately it makes my job easier knowing that I can rely on esave to secure the best contracts for the company and that they are always looking for ways to help us to improve our efficiency. Since we have been working together, what started out as purely a business deal has turned into a strong working relationship which is reassuring because I know that when it comes to esave, they are looking out for us and not themselves. I therefore have no hesitation in recommending them to any company which is looking to improve their business energy efficiency and reduce costs.
With our support the Stewart Milne Group achieved compliance on-time and in a cost-effective manner as well as identifying potential carbon savings of just over 1,173 tCO2 annually with an annual financial benefit of over £270,000. The potential energy savings identified amounted to 3,840,113kWh, or just over 20% of the group’s annual energy consumption.
Client’s background
The Stewart Milne Group is a leading national construction company, with a particular focus on home building. The group has offices in Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Oxford and Manchester with building sites spread over the country. The group also manufactures timber systems and specializes in off-site construction for affordable housing, accommodation blocks, hotels and schools. The timber systems are manufactured in factories in Aberdeen and Oxford. The group has designed, developed and built its own five-star carbon neutral home, The Sigma Home.
Since its establishment in 1975, the group has grown to employ over 800 people, achieving a turnover of over £200m.
The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) regulations were introduced to make it mandatory for large organisations to undertake energy audits of 90% of their energy consumption every 4 years. The first phase of these regulations had a qualification date of the 31st December 2014 and a compliance date of the 5th December 2015.
Due to the number of employees in the group and the turnover of the group, Stewart Milne Group met the qualification criteria and were required to undertake an audit of 90% of their total energy consumption before the compliance date.
Inverness based consultancy esave were appointed by the Stewart Milne Group to assist them in undertaking their ESOS compliance duties, providing support and assistance in;
The whole process was overseen by esave’s fully qualified ESOS Lead Assessor to ensure all activities carried out were compliant with the regulations.
The Stewart Milne Group’s total energy consumption in the qualification year was determined to be just over 18,500,000kWh and comprised of approximately:
A sampling approach is allowed under ESOS regulations where sites with similar activities, operations and types can be sampled to reduce the audit burden. For this reason, a sample of the building sites was undertaken and it was determined that the Oxford and Aberdeen sites could be sampled due to the similarities in operations.
esave carried out audits at the Aberdeen facility as well as the building site in Westhill. In addition, a Business Transport Energy Assessment was carried out by the energy saving trust and this was used as part of the compliance pack.
With esave’s support the Stewart Milne Group achieved compliance on-time and in a cost-effective manner as well as identifying potential carbon savings of just over 1,173 tCO2 annually with an annual financial benefit of over £270,000. The potential energy savings identified amounted to 3,840,113kWh, or just over 20% of the group’s annual energy consumption.
They were helpful and proactive, collaborating with our team and ensuring we got all the necessary information validated and submitted on time.”
“Working in the property management industry, our driving focus is keeping our tenants happy and our properties rented. With this in mind, we have found that esave have enabled us to improve the service that we offer. Not only have they saved us the time and hassle involved with negotiating the minefield that surrounds energy….
Fran Forbes – Administration Manager
For many years, Raiths Farm Properties Ltd has been at the forefront of property management throughout Aberdeen. With their specialised expertise in commercial and industrial lettings, they have been the first point of call for many companies searching for the right location to carry on their business.
Water Procurement
Electricity Procurement
Savings of £14,000
With extensive units, housing a diverse range of companies, the consumption of utilities can vary from site to site. This increases the effort involved when trying to source and compare the best deals form across the markets. By using us to do the leg work for us, not only did we save Raiths Farm Properties ltd the time involved but we also saved them a total of £14,000 annually across their utilities.
“Working in the property management industry, our driving focus is keeping our tenants happy and our properties rented. With this in mind, we have found that esave have enabled us to improve the service that we offer. Not only have they saved us the time and hassle involved with negotiating the minefield that surrounds energy contracts, but we have found that we can use the savings they gain as a tool. As part of the service, it has become very important for us to be able to show our tenants that we have sought out the best deal possible so that they know that they are paying the best rate. So in practice we are using esave’s savings on our utilities as a sign of a job well done. After so many years, esave have become an extension of the company. So if you are looking for a team who will strive to understand your business, who ensure that you are kept informed of the changes in the market that effect you and can secure the best deals for your company, then I would suggest you give them a call.”
“We first started working with esave because we were looking to minimise our costs and they felt there may be an opportunity for us to save on our water bills. All we had to do was send over our bills from the previous year for them to examine….
Eric Hogg – Operations Director
Heart of Midlothian FC is one of Scotland’s best known football teams and has been for the past 140 years. During that time they have built up a strong reputation as a family friendly club with a proud record of community involvement.
Water Procurement
Bill Validation & Auditing
Savings of £6,500
We were appointed by Heart of Midlothian to review their water service. Over the course of a month we were able to identify that they had been historically overcharged. As a result of this and by negotiating with a new supplier, we were able to achieve them an annual saving of around £6500. We continue to monitor their water spending in order to prevent any future overcharging. This enables them to have increased stability in future budget control and planning.
“We first started working with esave because we were looking to minimise our costs and they felt there may be an opportunity for us to save on our water bills. All we had to do was send over our bills from the previous year for them to examine. They came back and confirmed that we could in fact save money and all that was required was to approve the switch to a new supplier. Within a month of doing this, esave had put in place a deal which will save us over £6500 each year.
Through esave, not only have we saved money but they have saved us the time and effort that would have been involved if we had carried this out for ourselves. We have been impressed by their straight forward approach and results, so much so that we have asked them to look further into our water management. We look forward to continued success and future savings with esave.”
Client’s background
Speyfruit process the highest quality fruit and vegetables from their base in Elgin. The company works hand in hand with chefs from a wide range of organisations from the local catering trade to schools, hospitals and factory outlets. Speyfruit use their specialised machinery to provide produce to the exact requirement and cut required by each client.
Like many of the clients that we speak with, Speyfruit wanted to improve their energy efficiency and incorporate renewable technology into their organisation. After researching various energy reduction opportunities, they decided to install a Solar PV system on their factory roof. However, the company experienced issues with the resulting set-up and administration of the system which led them to contact Resource Efficient Scotland for further assistance.
As framework contractors for Resource Efficient Scotland, esave were asked to carry out an onsite assessment and provide a technical report. This has since resulted in the company recouping over £7,000 in missing FIT payments at no cost.
Carried out a site visit to determine what the problem was, inspected physical installation for faults, got technical information on equipment, assisted organisation in retrieving required details on equipment, contracts and installation documentation. Determined that contract had not been correctly set up, contacted administrative regulators on company’s behalf. Produced a report with recommendations and next steps in order for the company to receive missing payments.
Identified other on site energy saving opportunities identified and analysed metering problems and identified potential solutions for the company.
Speyfruit recouped over £7,000 in missing FIT payments at no cost.
The company also intend to implement additional recommendations for metering of the Solar PV system as well as the electricity supplies on site to identify further energy savings.
Client’s background
Skyeskyns is a tannery business which turns Scottish sheepskins into high quality rugs based on the family croft in Waternish on the Isle of Skye. The business consists of a building housing the production facility, offices, shop and another building for storage as well as this a new building is in the process of construction at the top of the site.
The support provided here involved looking at the energy uses on site, focusing on heating and hot water and identifying opportunities for savings from these systems. As well as this rainwater harvesting was considered due to the significant water use on site.
The tannery process at Skyeskyns uses a lot of water and heat to wash, dry and finish the sheepskins. Heat was provided through an LPG boiler which was approaching the end of its economic life and operating at a low efficiency. Skyeskyns contacted Resource Efficient Scotland for assistance in determining the best replacements options for this boiler and other resource efficiency measures that could be identified.
Resource Efficient Scotland provided support to Skyeskyns, delivered by esave, to determine the most efficient heat unit replacement options for the process as well as looking at possible water efficiency measures.
A report was produced by esave which detailed different heating replacement options including replacing the LPG boiler with a higher efficiency modern alternative and using wood fuel as a heat source. As well as this, solar hot water heating was identified as offering energy and cost saving benefits to the organisation.
The report identified two main options for the site’s heating and hot water requirements and after consideration of the options, Skyeskyns replaced their LPG boiler with a modern high efficiency alternative as well as replacing their water cylinders with new highly insulated cylinders with the potential for adding solar thermal hot water heating at a later date.
This new LPG boiler will provide LPG savings of approximately 15% annually and should reduce the carbon footprint on site by around 10%.
“We asked Resource Efficient Scotland to come in and look at a number of resource issues within Skyeskyns. I was impressed with the thoroughness of the report and the detailed recommendations. This formed the basis of some key decisions that we have made over the last 6 months. As a small organisation, it was probably more useful to us than larger organisations that would be able to devote internal resource to this sort of project.”
Client’s Background
cdmm (UK) Ltd provides professional services to the construction industry as consultants, engineers and inspectors. They have built their reputation on the high standard, quality and delivery of their services to the satisfaction of their clients. This delivery is reflected in a high level of repeat business. With the head office in the Highlands of Scotland in Inverness and a branch in the South East of England in Kent they operate in a wide geographical area. Their client list spans a range of organisations in both the public and private sectors throughout Scotland, London and the South East.
cdmm (UK) Ltd are certified to the quality management standard ISO 9001 and recently integrated the environmental management standard ISO 14001 with their quality standard. They recognise the benefits this environmental standard brings in competitive advantage, the identification of cost savings and environmental improvements and in ensuring legal compliance. The company had completed their first surveillance audit of this “integrated” system and the management team were keen to address the recommendations made before their next re-certification audit.
The esave consultancy team have strong environmental credentials and experience. Our certified ISO 14001 lead auditor and environmental specialist worked with the management team to agree the appropriate course of action to close out each of the recommendations. The service we delivered was in seven main areas:
Through working with us, cdmm (UK) Ltd. successfully passed their re-certification audit and retained their ISO14001 certificate. They now have a much more robust management system, which will help them deliver their environmental objectives. Subsequent environmental improvements include a reduction in heating demand, installation of an electricity consumption monitoring system, a switch-off procedure, attendance at fuel efficient driver training and larger recycling bins. The company are now preparing to make the transition to the new 2015 version of the ISO 14001 standard.
Cantraybridge College is a residential vocational training college just outside Inverness for young people with disabilities. Established in 1994 as a rural skills college to provide learning and training opportunities for young people with a learning and/or physical disability or autism spectrum condition they were Scotland’s first specialist college and today rank in the top 1% of learning disability services in Scotland.
Cantraybridge College consists of teaching buildings, residential buildings and administration and support areas. The residential and administration areas are housed within an old steading building which is currently heated through electric storage heaters and panel heaters. The electricity bill for these buildings was very high, approximately £52,000 per year, so Cantraybridge were interested in looking at options to change the heat source within these buildings and contacted Resource Efficient Scotland for assistance.
Inverness based consultancy esave were appointed by Resource Efficient Scotland to carry out an onsite survey and produce a technical report detailing the benefits and technical feasibility of a biomass system to heat the steading buildings as well as identify any potential installation and operational issues which may arise to allow the college to make an informed decision on the practicalities of such a system.
The report identified that changing from the current electrical heating to a wood fuelled biomass boiler system would result in carbon savings of just over 139 tCO2 annually with an annual financial benefit of over £33,000.
Using the advice in this report and financial support from the Resource Efficient Scotland SME Loan, Cantraybridge College are in the process of installing of a biomass boiler system at the college with the installation expected to be complete and commissioned by the end of March 2017.
“As an organisation, we did not have the technical skills in house to properly assess the options available for changing our heating system. Resource Efficient Scotland provided that specialist knowledge and advice, producing a report on the best route to improvements. We have now commissioned the project and the information provided to us in the Resource Efficient Scotland report was invaluable in getting to this stage.”