George Michie
My main role is to represent the public face of the Company. That lets me give our customers a direct line in for any feedback on all aspects of our service and also a means of making sure customers understand what we can offer them.
What does your job involve?
My main role is to represent the public face of the Company. That lets me give our customers a direct line in for any feedback on all aspects of our service and also a means of making sure customers understand what we can offer them.
Why should businesses choose esave?
There are two main reasons. The first is that we always act in the interests of our customers. Learning my trade in this industry with the old “Hydro Board” the value of customer service was drummed into us on a daily basis and I like to think we’ve carried that ethos into this business. The second is integrity. In such a competitive market we come across examples on a daily basis of customers who have been misled about the service they are getting and how much it costs.
What is the most satisfying part of your job?
Meeting customers and getting confirmation they’re happy with what we’ve done for them.
What do you when you’re not at esave?
I also run a small photography business so between that and esave there isn’t much time left for anything else. When I do get a few hours I like to go to the gym, walk the dogs or get some miles in with the local cycling club.